.. _datasource_none: None **** The data source ``None`` may be used when no other viable datasource is present on disk. This has two primary use cases: 1. Providing user data to cloud-init from on-disk configuration when no other datasource is present. 2. As a fallback for when a datasource is otherwise intermittently unavailable. When the datasource is ``None``, cloud-init is unable to obtain or render networking configuration. Additionally, when cloud-init completes, a warning is logged that DataSourceNone is being used. Configuration ============= User data and meta data may be passed to cloud-init via system configuration in :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg` or :file:`/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/*.cfg`. ``userdata_raw`` ---------------- A **string** containing the user data (including header) to be used by cloud-init. ``metadata`` ------------ The metadata to be used by cloud-init. .. _datasource_none_example: Example configuration --------------------- .. code-block:: yaml datasource: None: metadata: local-hostname: "myhost.internal" userdata_raw: | #cloud-config runcmd: - echo 'mydata' > /var/tmp/mydata.txt